Born 1979 in Matsudo, Chiba Japan.

Raised in El Salvador, Jamaica, Hawaii and Tokyo.

Lives and works in Brooklyn, New York.


2004 Fashion Institute of Technology,

A.A.S. Degree, Accessories Design Major

2000 Kuwasawa Design School Tokyo, Japan,

Design Certificate, Visual Design Major


2018 “Tulpamancer” Solo Show, Eleven, Brooklyn, New York

2018 Group Show, Fredericks & Mae, Brooklyn, New York

2017 Art For More Trees by Ryuichi Sakamoto, BDDW Soho, New York

2016 Shonen no Yume, Garter Gallery, Koenji, Tokyo Japan

2016 Summer’s Ghost, Parlor Gallery, Asbury Park, New Jersey

2016 Spring Break Art Show, Skylight at Moynihan Station, New York

2015 Night Swimmer, Studio 21 Williamsburg, New York

2013 Toward the Light Installation, Avant/Garde Diaries, New York

as Symbols + Rituals

2012 Secret Art Show, Williamsburg Brooklyn, New York

as Symbols + Rituals


2013 Winner of Mercedes-Benz Avante/Garde Diaries competition, New York